10 at Home Activities for this Socially-Distanced Greek Easter Weekend

On this the most important of Greek religious holidays, Elena Panayides shares her ideas for recreating the sights, sounds and smells of Easter at home.
- Have your friends bake Tsoureko-banana bread and then score one another’s creations on a zoom digital bake-off. The winners and losers all get to put on 2kg.
- Look at yourself in the mirror. Admire your new physique (not quite Michaelangelo’s David, more Covid snacks). Capture it artistically by drawing a self-portrait with a pencil, then you can happily erase all the extra quarantine-induced weight gain.
- Call those relatives you’ve spent all Easter’s past avoiding and shock them by telling them how much you miss them and their longwinded stories about how everything was better in the good ole days.
- Designate the other side of the living room as the ‘exohiko’ – country home and spend a few hours on Saturday morning swearing at the traffic caused by the couch ‘diodia’ – toll booths and asleep at the wheel drivers.
- Text all your exes, just in case you have one more thing you wanted to get off your chest from a decade ago. Then blame it on feeling domestic and cleaning out your wine rack (by drinking it.)
- On Saturday at midnight, recreate the church atmosphere at home by lighting candles and incense, chanting ‘Christos Anesti’ – Christ is Risen and setting fire to a strand of hair; for that authentic Anastasi aroma.
- Instead of church bells, ring your doorbell repeatedly and shout ‘Christos Anesti’ out of your window, count how many neighbours either swear at you or holler ‘Alithos Anesti’ – He is indeed Risen, back.
- In lieu of lamb on the spit, simply spit.
- Create an Easter feast out of all those random sauces and leftovers in your fridge. Plum sauce peppered salami anyone? Simply delicious.
- Spend Monday morning rubbing your stomach complaining to your family or yourself, about how much you over-ate & how you won’t do that ever again. You know you most-certainly will, in fact ten minutes later you’re stuffing those red-dyed eggs into your mouth.