14th Athens Digital Arts Festival

Benjamin Rosenthal's Impenetrable as Night at ADAF2018
WHAT: Ponder the unknown future of the looming “Technological Apocalypse” as the 14th Athens Digital Arts Festival screens its winning entries under the theme Singularity Now from artists from all over the world.
Entrants were invited to explore through their digital contributions the idea that humanity has now entered an unpredictable “event horizon” brought about by our constant progress on robotics, AI, biotechnology, biomimicry, nanotechnology, quantum computing and space technology.
Will we see a human-machine merger or the enslavement of humanity? Immortality through brain uploads or the end of the human species? Progression or Regression? Futurism or Archaism? Physics or Metaphysics? Utopia or Dystopia? Beginning or End?
Check out the programme HERE
WHEN: May 24-27.
WHERE: Megaron Moussikis
Vassilis Sofias and Kokkali, tel: +30 210.728.2333, www.megaron.gr