Athens Insider Summer 2022

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Pets at Work: Who let the dogs in!

Far from getting you fired, taking your pet to work may actually put a smile on your boss’s face, says Purina, a fierce advocate for the health benefits of the Pets @ Work movement. Life is better with Pets, reads their tag line and we couldn’t agree more! Sushi at Athens Insider is the perfect work colleague. She’s punctual. ...

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The Goulandris Museum of Modern Art celebrates its first birthday with free entry to the Museum!

It was on October 4 last year that a bunch of enthusiastic school children from the local Pangrati primary school inaugurated Athens’ new museum housing Modern Art Masters from Basil and Elise Goulandris' private collection. The Museum celebrates its first anniversary by welcoming visitors with free admission via online pre-registration a...

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Charles Sandison’s The Garden of light

WHAT: Charles Sandison's extremely timely exhibition, "The garden of light", highlights the dissonance of our current political reality and our fraught relationship with the environment, identity, morality and memory. He uses interwoven video projections and large screens to immerse the audience in a digital glow. “At the centre of my works is ‘sim...

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Takis: Sculptor of Magnetism, Light and Sound

WHAT: An exhibition, in collaboration with Tate Modern, on Takis (Panayiotis Vassilakis, 1925–2019), the legendary conceptual sculptor, who pa seed away last year. The exhibition was conceived by the renowned UK critic and close friend of Takis, Guy Brett, and Michael Wellen, Curator, International Art, Tate Modern. Takis looked for essential poetr...

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Athens Photo Festival

WHAT:  The Athens Photo Festival presents a selection of more than 100 projects, from all over the world exploring diverse cultural, artistic, social and political perspectives. The Festival welcomes a wide variety of works from all the image-based genres, ranging from fine art and conceptual to documentary and photojournalism, photo-based installa...

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7 Super Food Festivals for Fall

Greeks will find just about any excuse to celebrate.  Especially in the fertile harvest months of Autumn when Nature’s bounty overflows and – life-affirming celebrations abound to honour the traditional delicacies that have shaped the local character and flavours of villages, towns and islands all over Greece. Experience the wonderful Gre...

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Hydra: Sketches of the Mind

John Zervos, a lifelong Hydra-phile, recalls an extraordinary place that has played muse to everyone from Bridget Bardot to Presidential hopefuls. As a living archivist, he explains why there’ll never be another island like it. The island of Hydra in the Saronic gulf is unique in its architecture, significant in its role in mo...

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