Athens Insider Summer 2022

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Cultural Pit-Stops in Athens: From antiquities to Greece’s contemporary artistic scene

When in Athens, get up close and personal with the antiquities, explore Greek, Byzantine and Ottoman culture, and familiarise yourself with the contemporary artistic scene in Athens. Devote two days to museum hopping to get a feel for Greece’s layered history and end with a visual performance at one of the newer cultural venues in Athens....

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Michael Ondaatje: Breaking the rules

Michael Ondaatje’s new novel, Warlight (shortlisted for the Man Booker and the Walter Scott Prize), opens with a scene where Nathaniel Williams is crouched over his desk, trying to pull together the threads of his fractured adolescence and declares, “As if I cannot see what is taking place in the dark beyond the movement of this pencil. T...

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Mykonos Goes Vegan

Koukoumi, the Greek term for hygge or cocooned living, offers an alternative tourist option with a menu to match as it launches Mykonos’ first vegan hotel.  A departure perhaps for meat-obsessed Greeks but a welcome option for millennials seeking a cruelty-free holiday. For trend-setting Mykonos, it was only a question of time...

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The Darkly Familiar Greece of Leo Kanaris

John Carr reviews Leo Kanaris’ gripping potboilers with private eye George Zafiris. Both Codename Xenophon and Dangerous Days are spiked with Zafiris’ incisive descriptions of Athens and its resilient crisis- scarred people. Whether you opt for the beach or balcony to snuggle with these thrillers, before long, you’ll be rooting for the un...

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Santorini in the ‘70s: Morning Starts Early

Writer and theatre personality Timothy Jay Smith lived on Vourvoulos, a charming village on Santorini from 1972 to 1974, and wrote a piece about life on the island back then. In this essay, written in the early seventies, he offers a rare insight into life on the now coveted holiday destination, at a time when survival was a daily challen...

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Room Service with a difference

For the sixth week running, the Onassis Foundation’s digital channel on YouTube presents archival productions of plays, dance performances, Greek tragedies and poetic encounters. SCREENINGS WEEK #6 On Friday, May 8, at 21:00, the frenetic farce Room Service by John...

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Impressions of Greece

Born during the Spanish Civil War, author Miriam Frank was five years old when she boarded the famous Serpia Pinto in 1941, unaware that she and her mother Kate were escaping the round-ups, separations and extermination camps of Nazi Germany. By the age of 12, Miriam had fled two wars and lived in three continents and now divides her time...

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