Athens Insider Summer 2022

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Smashing Pumpkins at the Plissken Festival

What : When the Smashing Pumpkins first emerged out of Chicago in 1988, the world had never heard a band quite like them. They spun together rock, pop, shoe-gaze, metal, goth, psychedelia, and electronic into a kaleidoscope of saccharine melodies, fuzzy distortion, bombastic orchestration, incendiary fretwork, eloquent songcraft, and unshakable hoo...

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Greek spring and flower-carpeted hillsides

One of the upsides of being in lockdown is that it compels you to appreciate nature in all its glory in the brief window allotted for daily constitutionals. Nike Morgan is happiest when walking on the hillsides, photographing the wild flowers of Greece. Here, she charts some of her most colourful discoveries – such as the fatal pink colch...

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Women Artists Take Over EMST

If you've passed down Syngrou Avenue, you've probably seen Yael Bartana's inspiring neon light installation as it preaches a powerful message to passers-by: "What if Women Ruled the World". Until the end of October 2024, the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens (ΕΜΣΤ) presents a three-part cycle of exhibitions exclusively dedicated...

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