Athens Insider Summer 2022

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The Athens Plague and Lessons for Today

Sherri Moshman-Paganos traces the history of the deadly plague that almost decimated Athens in the Peloponnesian War. Thucydides, who so clearly etched the horrors of the Black Death in the ‘History of the Peloponnesian War’ stated that ‘the perceived impact of the Athenian plague was such that people ceased fearing the law since they fel...

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What type of Quarantiner are you?

The lockdown tested “The I’d never ever” claim in more ways than one. Shirkers became DIY-freaks, workaholics slept in, fashionistas stayed in their pjs,  fitness-freaks raided the refrigerator, loud-mouths meditated, junk-food junkies cooked, the slobs tidied up, the OCDs became even more compulsive, everyone hand-washed, binge-watched, ...

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Corona Viriad 2

This Poetry Month, look no further than John Carr, Insider’s in-house bard, for curative metaphors and imagery. Sing, Muse, of the pestilence That out of China hastened hence, Attacking all, both young and old Who thought they had just caught a cold. Yet it turned out to be much worse, A veritable viral curse That ...

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Insider Weekly Newsletter – QUARANTIME MUSINGS

How telling that in an era when the barometer of success is to ‘go viral’, the very thought now evokes doom and gloom! From the real concerns the pandemic conjures -  the corrupt posturing of populist politicians to the extraordinary challenges faced by cultural institutions – we dive into the everyday anxieties that manifest as google se...

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