What's On | Apr 2020
WHAT: The Athens Concert hall kicks off its ‘Stay Home’ campaign with Alban Berg's Lulu.
Lulu, an opera in three acts by Alban Berg, was adapted from Frank Wedekind's two Lulu plays, Erdgeist and Die Büchse der Pandora tells the story of a mysterious young woman known as Lulu, who follows a downward spiral from a well-kept mistress in Vienna t...
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City Life | Apr 2020
The Thessaloniki Film Festival ingeniously pivots the postponement of its Documentary Festival due to the coronavirus pandemic by assigning eleven Greek directors to shoot short films on their new quarantine reality at home.
Harnessing the power and reach of film and the internet and wanting to stay in close touch with their ...
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Culture | Apr 2020
Stuck indoors as everyone else, John Carr adds a bit of levity to our unsettling times by thumbing his nose at the Coronavirus.
Coronavirus, what are you?
Methinks you are the devil true,
With horns and lumps and horrid things,
The only thing you lack is wings.
We see your picture on tv:
The way you sidle up gently
To ...
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What's On | Apr 2020
WHAT: Acclaimed chef, cookbook author, TV host and passionate culinary ambassador Diane Kochilas dons her apron to create an Easter menu.
Diane Kochilas cooks and teaches an Easter menu. As soon as you sign up, you'll receive a zoom link for video conferencing, recipes and ingredients. The class lasts 2 1/2 - 3 hours, with time for questions and...
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Insider Stories | Mar 2020
Swedish Ambassador Charlotte Sammelin on working from home with 'King Gustaf’s portrait watching over her as she sneaks a cookie’ to ponderings on state surveillance and the fragile future of democracy.
As I write about my confinement it is the Hellenic Republic’s national day. Instead of sitting here at the Swedish residence in...
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City Life | Mar 2020
Its April! You're not fooling anyone anymore into believing that taking out the rubbish counts as exercise. Elena Panayides recommends how this solitary yet global experience can be spent uncovering inventive ways to secure your Wellness goals.
Beyond our social-distanced, permission code 6, walking, running and cycling there ...
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Insider Stories | Mar 2020
Best-selling writer Sofka Zinovieff on how she believes the pandemic will change us. Suddenly, pressing issues become irrelevant, petty problems like colouring one's hair get top billing!
Time has stretched and contracted during the developing crisis with coronavirus. It is hard to believe that it was only three weeks ago that...
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People | Mar 2020
If Tsitsipas’ sculpted abs don’t make you feel like a lesser mortal already, he has now uploaded a Quarantine Workout video coaxing us into action. Time to let go off those WFH snacks and get your beach-unready body into shape.
Stefanos Tsitsipas has done some incredibly crazy and… cool things – we’re not quite sure how to rat...
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Food & Drink | Mar 2020
Make the most of the lockdown and try and master a few classic Greek desserts. Private chef and culinary expert, Christina Vlahoulis, is spending quality quarantine time in her Athens kitchen, whipping up a storm of Greek delights such as the always classic baklava. It’s time to face your fears of phyllo and dive head first into this baki...
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City Life | Mar 2020
When did reality become stranger than fiction, and why it is that no April Fools’ gag could be more bizarre than our new normal. Elena Panayides ponders.
Usually around this time of year, you may have wondered how you might prank those nearest and dearest to you. April Fools’ traces back to the 1500s, when it was a rite of Spr...
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City Life | Mar 2020
Celebrated as an inspiration to all occupied peoples to resist Nazi forces, Manolis Glezos, passed away today at the ripe old age of 98. A lifelong activist, Glezos had a stamp issued in his honour by the Soviet Union and was the oldest elected member of the European Parliament, at 91!
It was on May 30, 1941 when two young Gr...
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Culture | Mar 2020
Reverse the culture shock of not being able to visit our exquisite Athens museums thanks to the wonder of virtual tours, get your fill of art and culture while entertaining your family or self with your sassy technical skills
The Acropolis Museum
Thanks to the Google Art Project the Acropolis Museum is showcased in high-def ima...
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