Athens Insider Summer 2022

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Open Ended at Zoumboulakis

  What: An inspiring group exhibition titled, “Open-ended”, celebrates the unique value of the work in progress and the beauty of the incomplet. The exhibition brings together a wide spectrum of techniques and materials that highlight the artistic process; the inception of a creative idea, what strikes the imagination, and all the variou...

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Ruins and Fragments at the Gagosian

What: A group exhibition that brings together richly varied works by three generations of international, regional, and local artists. Their works reflect on the poetic power of ruins and fragments—in the city of Athens, a thriving contemporary metropolis charged with the traces of ancient histories. The exhibition features different forms of inn...

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Melina Mercouri: Remember me and Love Me

What: One of the most influential Greek figures in cinema and politics, Melina Mercouri's raspy voice and fierce activism fired the imagination of a whole generation of Greeks. She remains as beloved as she was in her lifetime - a retrospective on her life at Technopolis celebrates her multi-faceted personality and bolsters support for one of her p...

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Alekos Fassianos, an artist whose fleeting figurative style captured the essence of Greece

Alekos Fassianos whose poetic approach to Greece's cultural heritage, so masterfully embodied in his instantly recognisable, faux-naif, colour-soaked paintings, has died at the age of 86. Fassianos’ artistic appeal lies in the fact that his work makes one imagine a life with warm, southern sunshine, a carefree, leisurely pleasure, and the...

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Dimitris Papaioannou at NEON’s Portals

What: NEON presents a series of performances Sisyphus / Trans / Form (2019) by internationally acclaimed Greek choreographer, director and performer who blends experimental dance, physical theatre and performance art in surreal, dreamlike and immersive performances.  Sisyphus / Trans / Form (2019), a piece for six performers, is based on the myth...

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Smyrna: a poignant tale of loss and belonging

100 years on from of the Destruction of Smyrna, an epic and powerful film tribute entitled ‘Smyrna’ premieres in Greek cinemas on December 23. Elena Panayides speaks to actress Nedie Antoniades about her emotional voyage embodying the role of Angelica, from its successful two-year theatrical staging in Athens, to the ambitious, internatio...

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Talismans and Portals, Alexandros Georgiou’s dispatches from another world at Rebecca Camhi Gallery

Alexandros Georgiou’s Prince in a Blue Crown at Rebecca Camhi Gallery doesn’t just push boundaries, Cara Hoffman observes, ‘these are dispatches from another universe; a psychic excavation, a revelation.’ Georgiou is a spiritual magpie and the canvas is a tangle with the talismans he has collected; animal heads, maps, biological diagrams.  ...

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