Culture | Dec 2020
In October 2020, the Athens Comic Library commissioned artist Yorgos Konstantinou, a Greek-Catalan-Berliner, visual engineer artist and activist to create comic illustrations inspired by the wonderful work that Choose Love, an online platform run for and by refugees, does to support the families they work with. The result: a joyous explos...
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Culture | Dec 2020
Be ready to blurt out Chronia Polla indiscriminately throughout December. Chances are someone is celebrating their name-day! From the Nikolovarvara as the 4,5 and 6th of December is referred to, right upto the manic lead-up to Christmas, there's an excuse to celebrate every single day!
Throughout December
1 Dec: Theoklitos, ...
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City Life | Dec 2020
For better or for worse, our homes have been both sanctuary and fortress this year - so dont they desrve a festive treat too? There's nothing like wall art to inject instant personality or ramp up your style cred and mood. Eva Theofanidis of PrintSin, an online gallery that showcases Greek and international artists, picks out a dozen spirit...
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City Life | Dec 2020
2020 desperately needs some Christmas cheer. Thankfully, Netflix is handing that feeling out in spades as the days get colder and shorter, and lockdown blues get harder to fight off! Here is your guide to every new Christmas movie on Netflix to make you feel merry and bright this season.
For people who believe all ...
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Culture | Dec 2020
Glamorous socialite, political powerbroker, commissioner of grandiose palaces, grieving mother and champion of women’s education. The Duchess of Plaisance was no ordinary expat. Discover how this intriguing single female from Philadelphia came to wield such great power and influence over 19th century Athens, and find out where you can stil...
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Culture | Nov 2020
Christopher King's first experience of hearing an Epiriot lament, by violinist Alexis Zoumbas, on a 78rpm recorded in 1926, sent him into a cathartic trance. Searching for a connection, Grammy-winning producer and curator King spent years researching and archiving music recorded between 1907 and 1960 from the rural hinterlands of mainland...
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Culture | Nov 2020
Everyone knows bouzouki music: it’s the sound of cliched touristic Greek entertainment, heard on debauched, ouzo-soaked nights in tavernas across the world. Few, however, know about this music’s ancestor. Its name is rebetiko: a hairy, uncouth, underground sound that arose from the hash dens, cabarets, brothels and prisons of fin-de-siècl...
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Culture | Nov 2020
The tempo that builds in the bouzouki gives a real sense of the underlying raw emotion, of ‘rebetiko’s’ illegal past and its gentrification by the greats of modern Greek music, Vassilis Tsitsanis, Manos Hadzidakis and Mikis Theodorakis.The bouzouki is Greece’s siren call. To hear but a few bars is to instantly conjure raki-fueled nights a...
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Culture | Nov 2020
In October 2020, 160 Greek musicians and groups joined forces to produce Unity Vol. 1, a unique album to demonstrate their solidarity and support for the refugees displaced by the fire in the Moria camp on Lesbos. The totality of the funds were donated to the NGO Attika Human Support. Joan Bienaimé writes about this touching artistic in...
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Culture | Nov 2020
Only in “anything goes” Athens might you expect to bump into a Greek God, lingering outside one of the city’s best-known bar districts on a Friday evening. That’s exactly what happened when the 2,400 year-old head of Hermes rolled into view in Agia Irinis Square.
Only in Athens could you expect to bump into Gods and saints, lurking...
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Culture | Nov 2020
From stocking up on toilet rolls to bad coiffure weeks, preening before Zoom calls to Youtube workout videos, virtual cocktail soirées and binge-watching in pjs, our Lockdown Lifestyle has been a great barometer of our human failings. As part of his assignment at Rhode Island’s School of Design on Art in Isolation, Jonathan Muroya drew di...
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Culture | Nov 2020
The Persians ravaged it before Pericles restored it to its splendour. Socrates walked through its alleys. Sylla restored the authority of Rome there by the sword. It was subjected to Ottoman rule, Venetian bombardments, and Nazi occupation. Athens, however, remains, despite its torments, the capital of an eternal Greece. In order to bette...
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