Athens Insider Summer 2022

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What’s On

Live from The Greek National Opera

WHAT: The Greek National Opera continues broadcasting some of its most successful operas on ERT2. Tune in through the GNO channel on YouTube, GNO’s Facebook page or on ERT2 and ERT's WEBTV. WHEN: Saturday 25 April at 23.00: Nabucco on ERT2, ERT's WEBTV & Sunday 26 April at 20.00: Mikado at nationalopera...

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Cycladic Society. 5000 years ago 

WHAT: Browse through the exhibition, held to mark the museum's 30th anniversary in 2016, that showcases the structure of Cycladic society during the Early Bronze Age (3200 to 2000 BC). Discover the natural environment in which they lived, the occupations of the inhabitants, their social or religious customs and beliefs. In Greek and English WHER...

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Sophocles’ Antigone

WHAT: The Athens Festival celebrates its 65th year by streaming Sophocles' Antigone directed by Lefteris Vogiatzis at the Ancient Theater of Epidaurus.Watch the 2007 performance on the Athens Festival’s YouTube channel. WHEN: On Saturday, April 25, from 19:00, available online for 24 hours. WHERE:

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George Dalaras at Megaron  

WHAT: This great musical performance with George Dalaras, who embarks on a nostalgic journey through the history of Greek song, directed by the legendary Costas Gavras, will be uploaded on the online "stage" of the Athens Concert Hall. WHEN: On SaturdayApril 25 at 21:30 (duration 137 minutes). WHERE:

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Sokratis Sinopoulos Quartet

WHAT: Nurtured by Greek traditional and Byzantine music, enriched by elements of classical music and improvisation, steeped in jazz and contemporary music, the unmistakable sound of Sokratis Sinopoulos Quartet combines the primeval sound of the lyra and the piano trio. At the SNFCC concert in May 2019, Sokratis Sinopoulos Quartet presented its late...

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Shared images, shared experiences

WHAT: The Theocharakis Foundation invites you to use photography to communicate with each other. Post your new and old photos by tagging thf on instagram (@theocharakis_foundation) or on facebook (@ until April 30 and let your photos become stories on thf’s social networks. WHEN: Until April 30 WHERE:

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Theodore live at the SNFCC

WHAT: The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC) inaugurates its new online music series #snfccAtHome: music, in which, every Saturday, acclaimed artists will present solo concerts in live broadcast from iconic spaces of the SNFCC, adhering to the necessary safety measures, and without the presence of an audience. The live concert seri...

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Workout At Home – Live from the SNFCC

WHAT: Join weekly sports activities from your home and stay active and energetic throughout your day! Participants should have their own Pilates mat and wear comfortable clothes.  WHEN: On Tuesday: 28 April , On Thursdays:23 and 30 April From: 09.00-10.00, Up to 100 participants per class Free admission by online pre-registration (the mat pi...

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Home Made Art Project

WHAT: Home Made Art is a children's art project co-hosted by The Blender Gallery that invites young artists, aged 3 to 8 years old, who have been confined to their homes to express themselves. CONTACT INFO For little artists interested in participating in the Home Made Art Project, please send an email to: e: e:...

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The Coronation of Poppae

WHAT: The Athens Concert Hall follows its ‘Stay Home’ campaign with Claudio Monteverdi's classical masterpiece, The Coronation of Poppaea. One of the first operas to use historical events and people, it describes how Poppaea, mistress of the Roman emperor Nero, is able to achieve her ambition and be crowned empress. Recognising that more than ever,...

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