Clipped wings: No more AEGEAN flights until 30 April

If you needed to feel even more isolated than you already are, after the roads, it’s the skies that will be empty starting this Thursday as Aegean announces that it will temporarily halt all international flights until 30 April .
The airline issued a statement on Monday stating that ‘given the extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, travel restrictions imposed by Greece, EU and other states, as well as the newly adapted measures for the restriction of unnecessary movements in Greece, AEGEAN is obliged to proceed with the temporary suspension of its international flights, as of March 26. This decision stems from the commitment of the company to ensure the safety and well-being of both passengers and employees, as well as to support the sustainability of its operations’.
Other than a few weekly flights from Athens to Brussels to maintain the country’s connectivity with the EU’s administrative center, as of Thursday, March 26th and up until April 30th, all international network flights, from all AEGEAN bases, will be temporarily suspended. AEGEAN, will also continue to operate repatriation flights or other emergency flights in cooperation with the General Secretariat for Civil Protection and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. So far 8 repatriation flights have already been operated by AEGEAN from Morocco, Spain, Czech Republic, Poland, Serbia and Georgia on behalf of the Greek State and 1 flight from London to Larnaca on behalf of the Republic of Cyprus.
For the time being, Aegean will maintain a limited frequency flight service to all domestic networks to facilitate minimum essential connectivity for the island’s needs.
Passengers are encouraged to visit the company’s website as all related information with regards flight cancellations or the registration process for the credit voucher, already offered by AEGEAN, are available online.