Comicdom Con

Comicdom Futuropolis
WHAT: Comicdom Con Athens is an annual three-day comics festival, organized by the non-profit organization Comicdom Press and the Hellenic American Union. Starting at the 2016 event, the French Institute Of Greece was added to the organizers.
Since 2006, in this event which is based on the standards set by international comics conventions, the Greek audience is introduced to one of the most interesting Art Forms through the presence of famous international guests, original art exhibitions, sketch events, panels, screenings, workshops on comics and related arts, panels, Greek publishers spotlights, publishers & retailers bazaar, and the Greek Comics Awards (replaced the Comicdom Awards in 2015), the only ones of their kind in the Greek comics industry, where an Academy of comics professionals and specialists honors the best works and creators of the previous year.

Comicdom selfpublishers
In the past, Comicdom Con Athens hosted highly respected original art exhibitions, in collaboration with esteemed international foundations, such as the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, the Hergé Museum and the Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco. Our exhibitions have featured workd by acclaimed comic artists, including Will Eisner, Charles Schulz, Hergé, Neal Adams, Winsor McCay, Jack Davis, Brian Bolland et al.
Comicdom Press and the Hellenic-American Union continue their successful collaboration, with the French Institute of Athens and the Culture Sports & Youth Organization of the City of Athens as co-travellers, sharing the vision to introduce the 9th Art to the widest audience possible. The fourteenth consecutive Comicdom Con Athens will be held on April 19-21 2019.
Among the guests of Comicdom Con Athens were some really important names from the international comics scene, including John Romita Jr., Bill Tucci, David Lloyd, Scott Lobdell, Peter Milligan, Marv Wolfman, Jean Schulz, Chris Ware, David Prudhomme, Milo Manara, Mike Carey, John Wagner, and Jamie Delano.
WHEN: April 19, 20 and 21, 11.00 to 21.30.
WHERE: Hellenic American Union, 22 Massalias str. and French Institute of Greece, 31 Sina str. (map)