Athens Insider Summer 2022

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Lockdown Living: Greek Gods show how to thrive in this comic Quarantology series

From stocking up on toilet rolls to bad coiffure weeks, preening before Zoom calls to Youtube workout videos, virtual cocktail soirées and binge-watching in pjs, our Lockdown Lifestyle has been a great barometer of our human failings. As part of his assignment at Rhode Island’s School of Design on Art in Isolation, Jonathan Muroya drew di...

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Celebrate Thanksgiving in the comfort of your home with Hotel Grande Bretagne

This Thanksgiving, show gratitude and appreciation for the little pleasures in life in the comfort of your home, as the chefs at Hotel Grande Bretagne pull all the stops to curate a menu that you will indeed have a lot to be thankful for. Celebrate Thanksgiving in true American style in the comfort of your own home and enjoy a festive m...

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King Otto I, Greece’s First Monarch: Euphoria to Expulsion in 30 years

A young 17-year old monarch ascends the throne. An overwhelming majority of Greeks embrace their German sovereign, who dreamy–eyed from ancient Greek glories and heroic acts during the 1821 Revolution against the Ottoman Empire arrived to build a new state. King Otto of the Bavarian royal house of Wittelsbach was at first received with un...

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Make like a Mushroom!

Prefer to stay in the dark? With mushroom season in full swing, why not occupy yourself with some of the tastiest nature therapy around on a becalming wild mushroom safari in Greece’s spectacular woodlands and evergreen forests or a world-famous national park. ©Nat...

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To Be an Evzone

Trained in silence to attain fitness levels worthy of Hercules and the ability to stand like a statue for over an hour at a time, evzones are the living embodiment of Greek grit. We bring to life the daily existence of these granite-faced guardians of democracy. Who Are They? The Evzones (Greek: Εύζωνας) are a ceremonial unit t...

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Evzones: Behind the seams

With their famous pompoms and synchronised stoicism, the elite soldiers of the Presidential Guard are just as much a symbol of Athens as the Acropolis (and every bit as Instagrammed!). We take a peek underneath those 400-pleat fustanellas to hail the unsung heroes behind these proud national emblems. Often the most-photograp...

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The Day of the Dead

We've all heard about the Day of the Dead or seen the classic sugar skull paintings—but what does this celebration really represent? Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is not a Mexican version of Halloween but an explosion of color and life-affirming joy. As in cities across Mexico, join Athenian revellers as they don funky makeup an...

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