Athens Insider Summer 2022

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To think that Pink is my Least Favourite Colour!

“You look at a shop window and for the first time in a long time, you want to buy a pair of shoes. Your food has some flavour. You make plans for the weekend. You consciously taste every moment but you feel alienated from the world around you.”  Travel broadcaster and journalist Maya Tsoclis – and now breast cancer ambassador – shares her...

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Hydra and Brice Marden’s Abstract Art star at Gagosian’s new Athens premises

Art critic Peter Schjeldahl of The New Yorker, described  the acclaimed 81-year old artist Brice Marden  as "the most profound abstract painter of the past four decades." And for good reason. Some of his paintings have been sold for more than 10 million dollars. He is also a hotelier, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, ...

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Fragments of Perfect Anarchy: the story of an 18th century Hydra home cum music studio

In the sixties Hydra became an artists’ colony, even Leonard Cohen couldn’t resist and bought a house there. It has changed quite a bit since then and the simple lifestyle of those days changed into a more luxurious one. One local has been through it all – Stephan Colloredo-Mansfeld, who made his fortune being one of the first rare-record...

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Time for a Sea Change

While Greece is a world-renowned tourist destination for sailing holidays, it’s not the hub for professional racing sailing that its climate and location warrants. Graham Wood talks to Akis Tsarouchis, a passionate sailing guru who is trying to remedy all that. On the face of it, Greece should be the European epicenter for pro...

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