Athens Insider Summer 2022

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Corona Art 

If not walls, then rooftops! Young grafitti artist S.F. takes his spray paint and imagination a few floors high and sends a message of hope and solidarity offering an insight into how the youth relate to this very surreal experience. Confinement. Viruses. Masks. Deaths. Gloves. Hand-washing. Operas off balconies. Empty streets...

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Coronavirus: A Parallel Pandemic

London-born, Nottingham-based award-winning documentary and travel photographer, Dan Giannopoulos’ work has often focussed on individuals and communities on the fringes of contemporary society whether by their own volition or through circumstances out of their control. In this compelling photo-essay, he documents the debris left behind by...

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Greek roadmap to new normal: date-wise breakdown

The Greek government announced a gradual easing of its lockdown measures, to be reviewed daily for public safety. The magic date is May 4, but the relaxation of measures comes with constant urging to remain vigilant and to follow safety guidelines - compulsory masks, use of gloves, use of antiseptic gel and mandatory 2-metre distancing. ...

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Jeff Siger: Master of Mayhem

Crime novelist Jeff Siger – whose 'trouble in paradise' murder mysteries get under the seamy underbellies of whitewashed Greek isles, presents his 10th book in the Chief Inspector Andreas Kaldis series, Island of Secrets, set in his beloved Mykonos. Congratulations! “The Mykonos Mob”—now available in paperback as “Island of Secr...

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Corona Viriad 3

John Carr baits you into his virus-obsessed world with an ode to the invisible crown-shaped bug. 'Tis four weeks now this lockdown weighs So heavily upon our days, As we all huddle as in hiding Awaiting that oh-so-glad tiding That Covid 19 has at last Been sent the way of viri past. But let's not soak in gloom and doom...

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A Greek Homecoming

Olympia Panagiotopoulos’ poignant story will resonate with anyone who has left home on an immigrant’s journey, «a life caught between a memory and a dream». In Beneath the Fig Leaves, «the comforting sizzle of onion and garlic in hot oil, the fresh, clean scent of a newly picked lemon, the strong earthiness of thyme» infuses the cultural ...

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Get your slice of action off the field

With the Olympics postponed, Wimbledon cancelled and every other sporting encounter put on hold, there’s nothing like a good sports movie that transcends the drama and excitement inherent in sports to get your juices flowing. When done right, sports movies offer more depth than the average game, illuminating not just the sport depicted, b...

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Greece, the little country that could

Beyond the ringing endorsement for our little nation’s brave response to the pandemic, Yuval Noah Harari believes that ‘decisions being taken by governments today will  shape  countries for years to come, not just for a few weeks.’ In a shape-shifting tourism landcape, it is the same nimble response to ‘flattening the curve’, that will se...

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Memories of Easters Past

Few writers evoke the intense emotion and vivid imagery of Easter in Greece as Sofka Zinovieff in her memoir, Eurydice Street, A Place in Athens. An extract from her book that so poignantly captures the glorious paradoxes and rich traditions of Greek Easter. Few would dispute that Easter celebrations are the most intensely bea...

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