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Culture | Apr 2020
A timely promotional tool for Greece, The Trip To Greece promises plenty of mouth-watering Mediterranean meals – with a side helping of ancient ruins and stunning seascapes. Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon reunite to follow in Odysseus’ footsteps in director Michael Winterbottom’s culinary and comedic travelogue series, The Trip to Greece.
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Food & Drink | Apr 2020
You want the trappings of Easter minus the long hours slaving over a barbecue? Athens Insider has the answer to your Easter prayers for a festive Paschal meal, delivered to your doorstep.
Lots of wine, an orgy of succulent spit-roast lamb and kokoretsi, an egg-cracking competition and much merriment – a lot of reasons why we l...
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City Life | Apr 2020
Sherri Moshman-Paganos traces the history of the deadly plague that almost decimated Athens in the Peloponnesian War. Thucydides, who so clearly etched the horrors of the Black Death in the ‘History of the Peloponnesian War’ stated that ‘the perceived impact of the Athenian plague was such that people ceased fearing the law since they fel...
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Food & Drink | Apr 2020
When the great Corona Chronicles will be written stress-baking will surely feature as the coping mechanism of choice. Anna Roins on why she turns to her oven for quality mother-daughter moments and a sense of normalcy in the midst of the Corona chaos.
At the time of writing this, coronavirus-related illness had killed over a t...
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City Life | Apr 2020
To think that the trending topic on Google on January 31 was Corona Beer virus! We’ve come a long way from the pre-confinement naivete of those early days to embrace our lockdown reality but what are our fears, and where do we seek solace? It appears that when confronted with something new, big and scary, we tend to dump our anxieties ont...
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Insider Stories | Apr 2020
We’re in this unprecedented global position of: social distancing, quarantine realities, lockdown laws, while dealing with re-inventing our realities and managing anxiety on a mass scale. Athens Insider asked its social media community “What’s the first thing you want to do when all this over?” Elena Panayides compiles the dreams and desi...
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Insider Stories | Apr 2020
Dhaka-born, Harvard-educated, DC and Athens-based War theorist and fashion photographer who writes on liberalism, elite-level diplomacy and feminism, Omi Chowdhury on how the pandemic, “global in scale and scope, is unrelenting in its forceful reminder that we are only as strong as our weakest.”
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Insider Stories | Apr 2020
Pulitzer shortlisted poet and MacArthur Fellow Alicia E. Stallings mines the surrealities of the pandemic to evoke insights into life on a tiny island where the raucous mating dance of its “pullulating population of feral peafowl” substitutes Netflix!
View of Eleus...
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Culture | Apr 2020
From April 3, the Onassis Foundation uploads and shares images, discussions, sounds, emotions, sold-out shows, new podcasts, educational programs, virtual cinematic experiences, online courses, secret concerts on its YouTube channel. Take the best seat on the sofa and tune into the Onassis Foundation’s digital channel, with new content ma...
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Culture | Apr 2020
A brilliant read, full of humour and spontaneity, Polly Samson’s skilled writing offers a fascinating, often voyeuristic account of the sexual jealousy, alcoholism, and bohemian lifestyle that pervaded the creative set in 1960’s Hydra. Recounted through Erica, the daughter of Australia’s tragic literary couple, writers George Johnston and...
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What's On | Apr 2020
WHAT: Acclaimed chef, cookbook author, TV host and passionate culinary ambassador Diane Kochilas dons her apron to create an Easter menu.
Diane Kochilas cooks and teaches an Easter menu. As soon as you sign up, you'll receive a zoom link for video conferencing, recipes and ingredients. The class lasts 2 1/2 - 3 hours, with time for questions and...
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Insider Stories | Mar 2020
Best-selling writer Sofka Zinovieff on how she believes the pandemic will change us. Suddenly, pressing issues become irrelevant, petty problems like colouring one's hair get top billing!
Time has stretched and contracted during the developing crisis with coronavirus. It is hard to believe that it was only three weeks ago that...
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