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People | Mar 2020
If Tsitsipas’ sculpted abs don’t make you feel like a lesser mortal already, he has now uploaded a Quarantine Workout video coaxing us into action. Time to let go off those WFH snacks and get your beach-unready body into shape.
Stefanos Tsitsipas has done some incredibly crazy and… cool things – we’re not quite sure how to rat...
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Insider Stories | Mar 2020
Don’t dwell on what you’re having to go without in the Age of Lockdown. Celebrate instead the things you’re happy to see the back of during these strangest of days, argues Amanda Dardanis
Police patrols. Citizen Movement Certificates. Walking to the corner shop for essential supplies in furtive pairs. This is t...
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Culture | Mar 2020
We’re not encouraging you to reduce your isolation period to a blurry, bleary, binge session. But if you find it preferable, like Sudha Nair-Iliades, to escape to a world of period drama, a conflict zone or a money-laundering haven, than sit through Trump’s irresponsible pronouncements, here is our watched and vetted choice for th...
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City Life | Mar 2020
Elena Panayides breaks down the what, when and how of throwing the perfect e-party. Resist the temptation to lounge in your pjs though, she suggests, and tame those eyebrows!
Socialising in the age of social distancing has tethered us even more tightly to our devices, with our not so brave new world condensed i...
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City Life | Mar 2020
This Independence Day offers a rare opportunity to reflect on the ideals our forefathers strove for. The freedoms we take for granted, the fundamental values and the tenets of our society.
'Among all peoples, the Greeks have dreamt life's dream most beautifully.' - Wolfgang Goethe, 1749-1832
It is those beautifully impassio...
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Insider Stories | Mar 2020
It was Blaise Pascal who said that all the troubles of humanity came about because of the difficulty men had in simply being happy to sit alone in their rooms. In the first of our Insider stories series on reflections of being confined, Haris Vlavianos, poet, translator, literary critic and Professor of History and Politics at the America...
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People | Mar 2020
As tourism marketing moves from glossy picture-perfect advertising to cater to an eco-conscious, inquisitive and technologically-advanced traveller, Sudha Nair-Iliades speaks to Angela Gerekou, President of the Greek National Tourism Organization on the radical changes in global tourism and Greece’s response to unlocking its tourism poten...
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Culture | Mar 2020
Describing it as her most personal collection to date, Greek designer Mary Katrantzou’s Spring-Summer 2020 collection feted her fashion brand’s 10th anniversary, and raised awareness for children with cancer, in a setting truly fit for the Gods – the 2,500 year-old Temple of Poseidon suspended atop a 200-foot cliff overlooking the Aegean....
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Insider Stories | Mar 2020
Stuck at home? And so are the kids. Its like early retirement. Fast forward all those projects you’d been putting on hold for the ‘day you stop working.’ And get your children to join in the action too.
Do a Mary Kondo clean-up of your closets.
Does it spark joy? Those four magic words should guide you into de-cluttering your c...
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City Life | Mar 2020
No social kissing, handshakes or getting physical. Eskimo nose-rubs are out, so are full-on smooches on a blind date. Since the coronavirus dictates how we move, touch, interact and express ourselves, here’s Insider’s go-to guide to the near zero-contact greeting!
Elbow rubs
You’ve been rubbing shoulders with the desirables. T...
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City Life | Mar 2020
Who cares about stock market plunges and pandemics when you can transport yourself to drug dramas, domestic quibbles and succession battles elsewhere in a land far, far away from cantankerous children and hypochondriac colleagues? Go on a cheap date with Netflix - all you need is a comfy blanket. Even if less screen-time definitely feat...
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Insider Stories | Mar 2020
Want to drink like a local when in Greece? How about trying one of the many indigenous born-and-brewed beers? From Athens to Peloponnese, Crete or Santorini, Greece prides itself in a whole range of lagers, ales and beers bursting with frothy flavours. Athens Insider plays beertender and rounds up a few of the coolest beers.
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