Gandini Juggling: Smashed

Gandini Juggling
WHAT: The art of the circus and theater come together to present you with 80 apples, 9 performers, 4 crockery, and 1 tea party you will never forget. Smashed explores the relationships of seven men and two women during a quaint afternoon tea through traditional juggling and contemporary theatrical circus, complete with the accompaniment of popular melodies to set the stage. Inspired by choreographer Pina Bausch, director Sean Gandini and Kati Ylä-Hokkala have borrowed elements of her original works and combined them with the intricate art of juggling. Smashed subtly pokes at our social conventions, sparking conversation about etiquette, dress and body language.
WHEN: Monday, March 4 at 20.30
Admission: €10
WHERE: Greek National Opera, Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre (map)
364 Syngrou Avenue, Kallithea 176 74, Tel: +30.216.0891.000