How up-to-date is your Corona vocabulary?

From covidating to quarantunes on Spotify and ‘Will you be my Quarantine’ requests, have you upgraded your jargon, asks Sudha Nair-Iliades
Covidating: The art of dating in the time of Corona. The virus provides ample date fodder without having to chomp on soul-crushing ‘getting-to-know-each-other’ chatter. Skip from pressing questions like ‘Do you own a Rolex’ and ‘Are you a Tarantino fan’ to ‘Have you been tested yet?’
Quarantine: Your true Valentine willing to risk virus and confinement to be in your exclusive company – someone who takes the ‘in sickness, until death do us apart’ bit seriously!
Coronials: Move over millennials and X-geners, babies born out of this hostage situation will be labeled coronials
Quaranelling: Save a prayer for all married couples forced into intimacy. No escape to channel the frustration of seeing unwashed coffee cups and wet towels on the bed can only mean heightened tensions on the Homefront.
Quarantunes: When honorary Greeks Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks were marooned together, they shared their solidarity with fellow-isolators with their fave playlist on Spotify, aptly called Quarantunes!
Coronated: No royal connotations here. Post-Megxit urban slang for ‘being infected’
Quarantini: Solo drinks on your ownsome. Change your order from ‘make mine a double on the rocks’ to ‘Apocalypse now’ if you’re an empty glasser or a ‘Corpse Reviver’ if you’re into perverse, morbid humour.
Travel Bug: In these viral times, travelling is not something you want to brag about on your dating profile. It no longer implies ‘a passion for travel’ but is being processed as ‘has travelled, will carry bug.’
Send us your own personal dictionary of Lingua Corona!