Insider Weekly Newsletter – FEEL-GOOD COUNTDOWN TO EASTER

Who would have thought that when we were asked ‘to give up jolly taverna nights and replace them with family fights,’* Greeks, the eternal anarchists, would comply? Greece’s remarkably stoic response as a people has evoked praise and rekindled pride in our country’s handling of the pandemic. It will be a poignant Easter, but here’s our feel-good guide to making it somewhat bearable – a murder mystery set on Mykonos, old-fashioned baking, home bartending, Greek philosophy and witty, Corona-inspired poetry.
*with apologies to John Carr
Embracing the Stillness this Easter
As we approach Easter and our second month of isolation, Amanda Dardanis ponders how lockdown is changing us all. READ MORE
Stress-Baking: How to Silver-Line a Cake Tin
When the great Corona Chronicles will be written stress-baking will surely feature as the coping mechanism of choice. Anna Roins on why she turns to her oven and baking for a sense of normalcy in the midst of the Corona chaos. READ MORE
Corona Viriad 2
This Poetry Month, look no further than John Carr, Insider’s in-house bard, for curative metaphors and imagery. READ MORE
Jeffrey Siger: Master of Mayhem
Crime novelist Jeff Siger – whose ‘trouble in paradise’ murder mysteries get under the seamy underbellies of whitewashed Greek isles, presents his 10th book in the Chief Inspector Andreas Kaldis series, Island of Secrets, set in his beloved Mykonos. READ MORE
Plato and the Plague: Why it’s time to get philosophical
A pandemic, especially one that imposes isolation, raises a barrage of existential questions – about change, values, identities, choices, the future. What answers would the icons of ancient philosophy be able to give? Are their precepts still relevant? Life Coach Dr. Nancy Mallerou on why philosophy might hold the key to soothing your anxieties. READ MORE
DIY Greek Easter Basics
Rita Wilson famously described Greek Easter with the words, “We don’t do bunnies. We don’t do chocolate. We don’t do pastels. We do lamb, sweet cookies, and deep red.” The lamb is roasted and is not chocolate, the sweet cookies are called Koulorakia and are twisted like a braid, and our Easter eggs are dyed one colour only: blood red. READ MORE
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Don’t even tell the priest (Μην το πεις ούτε του παπά) (Min to peis oute tou papa)
Meaning: keep it entirely to yourself Even in the days when it was common to confess oneself to a priest, there were things that could not be said even to him, such as dark family or personal secrets. These were matters which, if revealed anywhere, would entail unbearable social shame. The phrase is used to encourage the keeping of deep, dark secrets. BUY NOW! |
Bittersweet QuarantiniQuarantined at home, Elian Clauss now hosts his virtual apéro soirées concocting corona cocktails! READ MORE
Greek Recipes like a ProChristina Vlahoulis shares her Lenten recipes ahead of Greek Easter to bring out the budding chef in us all. READ MORE