Lynda Benglis | In the Realm of the Senses

Lynda Benglis, Catalina 1980 ©Lynda Benglis. Courtesy the artist, Thomas Dane Gallery and Pace Gallery. Photo: Todd White Photography
WHAT: NEON presents Lynda Benglis, an American artist of Greek origin, best known for her use of poured sculptural forms made from wax, latex, metal, and foam In the Realm of the Senses, curated by art historian Dr. David Anfam at the Museum of Cycladic Art. This is Benglis’ first solo exhibition in Greece – she lives and works between New York, Santa Fe, Kastelorizo and Ahmedabad in India.
WHEN: From November 22 to March 15, 2020
WHERE: At the Museum of Cycladic Art
Neofytou Douka 4, Tel: +30. 210.722.8321, website