March for Our Lives: Syntagma Square

March for Our Lives goes Global
WHAT: A candelight vigil to honour the 17 victims of the Parkland Florida school shooting as part of the global March 24 actions to push for better gun licensing laws in the United States.
The Athens event has been organised by the Democrats Abroad Greece (DAGR). On March 24th across the United States, a school walkout has been scheduled for 10 am local times. Students will walk-out of classrooms, at 10 am, for 17 minutes to honor those killed in Parkland and to draw attention to the issues surrounding gun sales and licensing in the USA. Ten days later, on March 24th, demonstrations and marches have been scheduled across the globe, to pressure US legislators that more than thoughts and prayers will resolve the problem with the MARCH FOR OUR LIVES.
In Athens, however, there will not be an actual march because it is the day before the patriotic public marches of Greek Independence Day on March 25. Instead, beginning at 8pm, on the steps of Constitution Square, with the backdrop of Greece’s Parliament Building, 17 candles will be lit, reciting the names of those gunned down on February 14. There will be a brief presentation about current legislation on gun control in the USA and the changes both the vigils, school walkouts and March For Our Lives hope to achieve.
Beginning at 8pm, on the steps of Constitution Square, with the backdrop of Greece’s Parliament Building, 17 candles will be lit, reciting the names of those gunned down on February 14. There will be a brief presentation about current legislation on gun control in the USA and the changes both the vigils, school walkouts and March For Our Lives hope to achieve.
On the day, DAGR will also stage a VIRTUAL MARCH on their Facebook and Twitter accounts with the hashtag #MarchForOurLives and #MarchForOurLivesGreece asking members and friends to post their selfies with signs they would carry in an actual March. The selfies can also be shared to the March For Our Lives Facebook page.
Democrats Abroad Greece Chairman Karen Lee stated: “We’re turning our attention from grief to honoring the dead, demanding effective political action to achieve common-sense gun regulation in the US.” She added “This is an American problem that will require action by US politicians, but we welcome any of our friends here who want to show their support for our effort.”
For those that feel strongly about a physical presence concerning the issue of gun control, please make every effort to join us at 8 pm March 14th on the steps of Syntagma Square to honor all the victims of mass school shootings and draw attention to improved gun regulation in the US.
RSVP to the event by emailing:
WHEN: March 24 at 8pm.
WHERE: On the steps of Syntagma Square (Constitution Square), Athens.
For more information visit