Nouveau Réalisme at Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation

What: The Goulandris Museum wows with a brilliant exhibition on New Realism – the movement founded in 1960s France, considered by many the European counterpart to Pop Art. Spearheaded by art critic Pierre Restany and artist Yves Klein, Nouveau Realisme was all about finding new ways of perceiving the real. Works by the most prominent Nouveaux Realists are to be found here – including rare works by Yves Klein, Niki de Saint Phalle, César, Christo, Arman, Gérard Deschamps, François Dufrêne, Raymond Hains, Martial Raysse, Mimmo Rotella, Daniel Spoerri, Jean Tinguely and Jacques Villeglé.
When: Until April 9, 2023. Open daily from 10 am to 6 pm, except on Fridays from 10 am to 8 pm. Closed on Tuesdays.
Where: Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation, 13 Eratosthenous, Pangrati, 116 35
+30 210 725 2895,