Athens Insider Summer 2022

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Greek spring and flower-carpeted hillsides

One of the upsides of being in lockdown is that it compels you to appreciate nature in all its glory in the brief window allotted for daily constitutionals. Nike Morgan is happiest when walking on the hillsides, photographing the wild flowers of Greece. Here, she charts some of her most colourful discoveries – such as the fatal pink colch...

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EMST Presents Penny Siopis’ First Major European Retrospective

What: EMST opens the new year with a landmark exhibition, For Dear Life. A Retrospective, the first major museum retrospective in Europe dedicated to Penny Siopis—one of the most influential artists of her generation. Part of the thought-provoking series What If Women Ruled the World?, the exhibition charts Siopis' extraordinary career and her last...

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