Athens Insider Summer 2022

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Corona Art 

If not walls, then rooftops! Young grafitti artist S.F. takes his spray paint and imagination a few floors high and sends a message of hope and solidarity offering an insight into how the youth relate to this very surreal experience. Confinement. Viruses. Masks. Deaths. Gloves. Hand-washing. Operas off balconies. Empty streets...

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George Dalaras at Megaron  

WHAT: This great musical performance with George Dalaras, who embarks on a nostalgic journey through the history of Greek song, directed by the legendary Costas Gavras, will be uploaded on the online "stage" of the Athens Concert Hall. WHEN: On SaturdayApril 25 at 21:30 (duration 137 minutes). WHERE:

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Order your Easter feast from home!

You want the trappings of Easter minus the long hours slaving over a barbecue? Athens Insider has the answer to your Easter prayers for a festive Paschal meal, delivered to your doorstep. Lots of wine, an orgy of succulent spit-roast lamb and kokoretsi, an egg-cracking competition and much merriment – a lot of reasons why we l...

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Revelations In Isolation

Tenia Christopoulos reflects on how the pandemic has been a catalyst for positive change, and in that sense truly embodies the Easter spirit of renewal and rebirth. An old friend called me from southern California. She unnerved me. She complained about this period of isolation, whining about her lack of freedom, being home wit...

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The Athens Plague and Lessons for Today

Sherri Moshman-Paganos traces the history of the deadly plague that almost decimated Athens in the Peloponnesian War. Thucydides, who so clearly etched the horrors of the Black Death in the ‘History of the Peloponnesian War’ stated that ‘the perceived impact of the Athenian plague was such that people ceased fearing the law since they fel...

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Insider Weekly Newsletter – QUARANTIME MUSINGS

How telling that in an era when the barometer of success is to ‘go viral’, the very thought now evokes doom and gloom! From the real concerns the pandemic conjures -  the corrupt posturing of populist politicians to the extraordinary challenges faced by cultural institutions – we dive into the everyday anxieties that manifest as google se...

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