Athens Insider Summer 2022

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Keros: the mystery of the broken figurines

An archaeological mystery quest to uncover the origins of civilization in the Aegean Sea is the first documentary co-production between Cosmote TV and National Geographic in Greece to uncover the mystery of the broken figurines, coming soon to Cosmote History HD. Sixty years ago, a team of archaeologists embarked on an explora...

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10 Sports That Were Born in Ancient Greece

Typically, as we head into the summer of 2020, sports newspapers would have been chock-a-block with articles on potential gold-medallists and the glory of sport. Time to travel all the way back, to the very beginning, to the very origin of some of the sports. Did you know that these popular modern sports have their roots in ancient times?...

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Santorini in the ‘70s: Morning Starts Early

Writer and theatre personality Timothy Jay Smith lived on Vourvoulos, a charming village on Santorini from 1972 to 1974, and wrote a piece about life on the island back then. In this essay, written in the early seventies, he offers a rare insight into life on the now coveted holiday destination, at a time when survival was a daily challen...

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The Athens Plague and Lessons for Today

Sherri Moshman-Paganos traces the history of the deadly plague that almost decimated Athens in the Peloponnesian War. Thucydides, who so clearly etched the horrors of the Black Death in the ‘History of the Peloponnesian War’ stated that ‘the perceived impact of the Athenian plague was such that people ceased fearing the law since they fel...

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A Literary Labour of Love

Matt Stanley, who penned three crime thrillers under the pseudonym James McCreet, writes his tenth book, A Collar for Cerebrus, under his real name, in a style far-removed from the blood and gore of his Victorian mysteries. In a long, candid interview with Sudha Nair-Iliades, he confesses that this insightful opus is an ode to his beloved...

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