Athens Insider Summer 2022

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Alison Jackson’s Voyeuristic Photographs: Seeing is Deceiving

What: For the first time in Athens,  Alison Jackson, a contemporary BAFTA and multi-award-winning artist, exhibits a retrospect of her unique photography and video works. Jackson’s work explores one of the most important topics of our time: ‘’Can we believe what we see in a mediated world of screens, imagery and the internet?’’ She comments on our ...

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Parontes: A photojournalism exhibition by iMEdD

WHAT: The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC) hosts a major photography exhibition, entitled “Parontes” (Present), by the NGO iMEdD. The exhibition consists of 43 works of photojournalism captured by reporters and photojournalists, which show everyday life during the lockdown, as well as the return to “normality”. It is a journalism...

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Chisel and Memory: The Contribution of Marble Craftsmanship to the Restoration of the Acropolis Monuments

WHAT: Over forty years of photographs and documentation of the marble craftsmen of the Acropolis at work. Marble craftsmen dominate the worksite, like forms in flight balancing on towering scaffolds, maneuvering the huge blocks of marble and conservation materials into and out of position. Grouped around six themes of self-denial, labour, cooperati...

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Coronavirus: A Parallel Pandemic

London-born, Nottingham-based award-winning documentary and travel photographer, Dan Giannopoulos’ work has often focussed on individuals and communities on the fringes of contemporary society whether by their own volition or through circumstances out of their control. In this compelling photo-essay, he documents the debris left behind by...

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Insider Weekly Newsletter – QUARANTIME MUSINGS

How telling that in an era when the barometer of success is to ‘go viral’, the very thought now evokes doom and gloom! From the real concerns the pandemic conjures -  the corrupt posturing of populist politicians to the extraordinary challenges faced by cultural institutions – we dive into the everyday anxieties that manifest as google se...

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