The Good Doctor

The good doctor is taking a much deserved break and an eternally grateful nation thanks the selfless efforts of our epidemiological whiz. John Carr’s paean to Dr. Sotiris Tsiodras.
Well, who’da thunk it, girls and boys,
He who never made much noise,
Yet measured out his words so clear,
Has opted out of the public sphere.
Here was a man, a man indeed
Of true Aristotelian breed
With knowledge wide but modest mien,
Not thirsting to be heard or seen.
Soft-spoken, calm and unassuming,
Courageous in disaster looming.
Was he scared? You bet he was,
Just like every last one of us.
False bravado was not his style
And neither any kind of guile.
He cared not for statistics cold
But rather for the vulnerable old.
A seeker of fame he sure ain’t,
But the nearest we have to a saint.
It’s funny, isn’t it, how a threat
Can bring out someone you’d never bet
Would make a mark and save a nation
From sudden viral cancellation.
Some say a second round could strike —
We may well see him at the mike
Again, but at least until fall
He’ll keep a lookout for us all,
Our epidemiological whiz,
May God be with him, as we’re sure He is.